Banana Buds - Rich in Fruit Acids for Skin Health and Skin Renewal

One of the common questions we receive about our Pure Thai Naturals Banana Bud scrubs and facemasks is (a) What the heck are Banana Buds? and (b) What do they do for the skin?

Banana buds, also known as banana flowers, banana blossoms or banana hearts, are the gorgeous, big, opulent pinkish-purple flowers that emerge on long spikes from the center of a banana tree. These flowers literally contain the baby bananas in miniature form, are used in cooking and are a staple ingredient in many dishes in South and Southeast Asia. In addition to their culinary uses, banana flowers have also been used in traditional medicine as a treatment for a variety of ailments, ranging from steadying blood sugar levels, to improving a nursing mother's milk supply.

One area in which banana flowers have shown benefits is in skin health, due to them being rich in a number of different natural fruit acids which may be able to help improve the health and appearance of the skin. These acids include citric acid, malic acid, and tartaric acid.

Citric acid is an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) that is commonly found in a variety of fruits, including bananas, lemons, and oranges. AHAs are known for their ability to exfoliate the skin and improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Citric acid may also be able to help improve skin texture and tone by removing dead skin cells and stimulating the production of collagen, a protein that helps to keep the skin firm and youthful.

Malic acid is another AHA that is found in a variety of fruits, including apples, pears, and cherries. Like citric acid, malic acid has exfoliating properties and may be able to help improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It may also be able to help improve skin texture and tone by removing dead skin cells and stimulating collagen production.

Tartaric acid is another acid that is found in banana flowers and a variety of other fruits. It is a type of alpha hydroxy acid that is known for its astringent properties and may be able to help tighten and firm the skin. 

In addition to these acids, banana flowers also contain a number of other nutrients that are really beneficial for the skin. These include vitamin C, vitamin E, and potassium. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps to protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals, while vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps to keep the skin moisturized and healthy. Potassium is a mineral that is important for maintaining the balance of fluids in the body and may be able to help improve skin hydration.

There are a number of different ways in which banana flowers can be used to benefit the skin. They can be applied topically in the form of masks, scrubs, toners, and other skin care products, or they can be taken orally in the form of salads and curries, or may be ingested as supplements.

In conclusion, banana flowers are a natural fruit acid powerhouse and contain a number of different fruit acids and nutrients that may be able to help improve the health and appearance of your skin. While more research is needed and would be welcomed to more fully understand the role of banana flowers in skin health, banana bud products are 100% natural and inexpensive and may be worth considering as a potential treatment for a variety of skin conditions.


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