Pure Thai Naturals
Children and Phthalates - What's the Big Deal ?
We want our children to grow safely in a world without asthma, obesity, childhood cancers and a future of reproductive issues and impaired fertility. And that does start with us. Awareness of phthalates and their effect on child development and health are essential to minimizing harm and a beginning to finding alternatives.
Air Pollution & Burning Season - Magnesium Chloride Is Important
High levels of air pollution happen for different reasons, from local agricultural "burning seasons” all over the world to high density urban living, industrial waste discharge, riding motorcycles or bicycles in heavy traffic and atmospheric weather phenomena which trap contaminated air. The compound Magnesium Chloride (MgCl2) is one of the most bio-available forms of magnesium and clinical studies show it is readily absorbed through the skin. Magnesium Chloride is particularly helpful to support the body's natural detox and elimination functions, helping to mitigate the exposure to toxins.