Pure Thai Naturals

Small, Daily Changes for Better Health and More Energy

Small, Daily Changes for Better Health and More Energy
New Year makes us think about changes we want to make.  We are taught to always look for and strive for the BIG things - losing ALL of those extra ...

Magnesium - Best Place On Your Body To Spray?

Magnesium - Best Place On Your Body To Spray?
A study published in the Journal of Controlled Release, the skin on the soles of the feet has a significantly higher permeability than other areas of the body, making it an ideal target for topical delivery. Similarly, a study published in the International Journal of Pharmaceutics found that the skin on the palms of the hands had a higher permeation rate than other areas of the body. This suggests that topical creams, lotions, and other substances may be more easily absorbed through the skin on the hands and feet. 

Ylang Ylang - Mood Booster & Natural Aphrodisiac

Ylang Ylang - Mood Booster & Natural Aphrodisiac
Ylang ylang essential oil is so much more than just an exotic floral scent - it's a versatile and clinically studied powerful natural remedy with a range of natural health benefits. Studies show it can help boost your mood, reduce stress, relieve anxiety and help enhance your sexual energy.  

Why Hot Weather Can Leave Us Feeling Blurgh

Why Hot Weather  Can Leave Us Feeling Blurgh
Hot weather and heavy sweating can have a HUGE impact on the way we feel, since sweating depletes us of magnesium, a key mineral for all sorts of bodily functions from regulating heart rhythm, nerve function, the way we think, moods, sleep patterns and muscle recovery.